I’ll never forget the time a guy asked me, “Yo Sensei! In your opinion, “what is the secret of the martial arts?” At first, I have to admit, I thought the question was funny. I still wonder to this day how he would have responded if said something sarcastic like, “Just think about the acronym W.W.C.N.D. ‘What would Chuck Norris do?’” and followed up with a blank, non-expressive stare! In our society today, commercials and media promote the “quick fix,” “”fast track to wealth,” “secrets to success.” Blah, blah, blah. Think about this for one second: “Who was the last person to attend a learning/ real estate/ secrets to success seminar (one time) and actually become rich?” There are no magic tricks like waving a magic wand and reciting a line from the latest Harry Potter movie! The truth is that there is no secret to the martial arts… No “Easy”...
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