The list of Top Martial Arts Movies is not easy list to come by. Asking Sensei Kevin to choose his favorite martial arts movie is like asking him to pick a favorite child, he can’t do it. He loves them all. But we asked him to anyway and here are his picks. Make sure you read all the way through for a special rare movie pick!
Top 5 Martial Arts Movies for Kids (in no order)

Kung Fu Panda: Watch Po uncover his destiny with his pals, The Furious Five. This movie keeps the kids entertained and the parents. This movie is also a perfect example of one of our favorite sayings “The more you practice, the better you get.” Heroes aren’t made overnight, and neither are Black Belts!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: One of Sensei Kevin’s favorite shows growing up was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so it was no surprise when he picked this one. He is a fan of all of the TMNT movies but the original will always hold a special place in his heart. You can’t go wrong with Turtle Power!

Mulan: The Disney animated version is good but the Disney live-action version takes the Martial Arts action to the next level! Sensei Kevin lives in a house full of strong females so it only makes sense that Mulan would be a household favorite!

3 Ninjas: Rocky, Colt, and Tum-Tum are three brothers who learn Martial Arts from their grandfather which comes in handy when they are faced with defending themselves against a bunch of bad guys. The family that kicks together, sticks together!

Sidekicks: Chuck Norris. Enough said.
Top 5 Martial Arts Movies for Grown Ups (in no order)

The Karate Kid: All of the Karate Kid movies are great but nothing beats the first. Watch them all then follow up with the Cobra Kai series when you are done. You won’t be disappointed.

Best of the Best: Great fighters from all over the country come together to compete against Korea at a Tae Kwon Do tournament. Watch to see if teamwork really does make the dream work!

Bloodsport: We practice peace and friendship so thankfully there will be no Kumite training in our school. That doesn’t stop us from cheering on Frank Dux though!

Kickboxer: This is definitely not the same as the Fitness Kickboxing we offer with the AKX program! So while our training won’t have us avenging any family members, we can certainly appreciate Kurt’s journey to avenge his brother.

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story: You can’t talk about Martial Arts without talking about Bruce Lee. This is a must watch for all Martial Arts enthusiasts. Be water, my friend.
Special Feature
As promised, one of our top picks. You might recognize one of the lead actors!

Grab a bucket of popcorn and one of these movies for some Martial Arts entertainment. When you are ready to start your Martial Arts training, give us a call at Amerikick Hatboro!